Family Wealth Protection

The main reason you need to plan your estate is to make sure your money and assets are inherited by the people you want to receive it.

Your bloodline family.

Family Wealth Protection

Another important reason is to make sure they attract as little tax as possible.
We put our efforts into helping our clients plan for their family’s future.

We can guide you through this process and we partner with specialised lawyers to provide the best strategy.

Proper planning for the distribution of your assets including smooth transition of the control of your business or assets to the next generation is important to eliminate the risk of conflict and COSTLY disputes in the future.

As a Certified Advisor with SAPEPAA (Succession, Asset Protection, Estate Planning Accredited Advisor) we are able to assist in this area.

Our Service includes:

Meeting with you to discuss your objectives

Working with Lawyers to assist in the process

Design Wealth Protection and Preservation strategies

Structuring Estate Plans to ease the transfer of personal wealth